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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

One of the longest Days!

I didn't need the alarm clock this morning, Jo Jo had me up just before 7 am. I had no choice but to get up and get moving as today was going to be the longest day this week. Jo Jo climbed in bed with his Da Da and snuggled up next to him sitting in the same position as his Da Da, arms up and hands behind the head and laying back on the pillow. Like father, Like son.

Today was our first day with ABA Services at home. Every Wednesday Marissa will be working with Jo Jo from 8 am to 11 am. When Marissa arrived Jo Jo greeted her with his big smile and saying hiiiiii! I was so happy he greeted her at the door. It is something he recently started and it seems to be sticking with him. He is so social with adults, if only I could get him to act that way with other kids his age.

The first visit is mostly for Jo Jo to get to know Marissa and bond with her so when we do get working he will be familiar with her. Jo Jo did very good with Marissa today, he did have a few moments of frustration but he was able to overcome it quickly. The 3 hours passed fast and Jo Jo seemed tired after the visit. If only he would nap!

I must have been a little insane when I planned this day out, after Marissa left, I had scheduled Verizon Fios to install service from 11 - 2, and then more ABA services by Emmy Lou from 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm, oh did I mention I had to be to work at 4, Joe had to be to work at 7? yup!

I only got to meet Emmy Lou for about 10 minutes before I had to leave, she was really nice and Jo Jo warmed right up to her. He just dropped himself right into her lap. It was so cute!

More ABA tomorrow with Emmy Lou from 11:30 to 2:30, then prepping for Halloween!!!!!!! This is the first year we are taking the kids trick or treating! We have some friends coming with us with there kids too. Happy Halloween Everyone!!!!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

ABA, Eating, and Weighted Blanket's!

I am very excited for ABA to start tomorrow! Both therapist who have been scheduled to start with Jo Jo this week have both called and introduced themselves and confirmed time and place. They both sounded very nice over the phone, and maybe sounded kinda young too, but that's okay. I just can't wait to work on some thing's with Jo Jo that need improvement.

Jo Jo has been regressing with eating which is kinda freaking me out. He suddenly has issues with using a fork and spoon, he is having complete tantrums if you give him any food that will involve using a fork or spoon. The tantrum's are so hard to watch, he throws himself on the floor and kicks, cry's, and screams. He will sometime's start with just pushing the food away, or pushing my hand away while shaking his head no, and then it turns to crying on the floor. Our Developmental specialist at first thought it could be just be his age, first thought maybe he is just getting picky with food as toddler's do get that way. He typically has no problem with finger food's at the moment. He will still eat but only with his finger's. I have been doing mostly finger foods for the past week, I'm hoping tomorrow ABA can help us figure out why he is doing this.

Yesterday our Developmental Specialist Nicole was over for a visit with Jo Jo, He was in a extremely good mood, and had Nicole laughing the whole time. We also had out Speech Therapist Jenn over at the same time and she even said I have never seen him this happy. This is Great!!! He said a lot of words yesterday, and did a lot of great mimicking!

I'm not sure how many people have heard of this, but I was considering buying Jo Jo a weighted blanket. He has had success with a weighted vest in his play group so I really do think a weighted blanket would really help. I asked Nicole about it because I wanted to make sure it would be right for him before we made such a large purchase. Weighted blankets have been known to help calm you down, they help promote more restful sleep, and helps decrease anxiety. Jo Jo has had some issues lately with bed time. He is tired but fighting to stay awake. He won't stay in bed most night's when I put him to bed. He also sometimes wakes up around 4 am and will wake me up, or he will fall asleep on his bedroom floor. I occasionally will wake up in the morning and he is sound asleep on his bedroom floor. He stopped napping a long time ago when we switched to his toddler bed. I am wondering if the weighted blanket will help him sleep better and then maybe he will have less tantrums and hopefully we will have better success at dinner time too!

Nicole told us that she is going to contact our Service Coordinator and refer us to a Occupational Therapist, and the therapist will then come out to our home and evaluate Jo Jo and decide if a weighted blanket will be right for him. She told me if I can wait through this process which does take a little time to set up we can get a weighted blanket for free!!! Nicole told me that BAMSI (Early Intervention) has a lady who hand makes the blankets and that our insurance will pay for the blanket! It is well worth the wait! Weighted Blanket's start at around $75 and up!!!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Your Child’s First and Best Advocate: You

Your Child’s First and Best Advocate: You

There are a million and one things rolling through my head about Jo Jo starting school in February. First things first it scares the heck out of me!!! I have so many questions, so many thoughts, and fear. I have heard so many horror stories about school's and advocating for your child. I have seen it first hand, and I read so many stories of other experiences about IEP (Individualized Education Program) meetings and school.

I keep getting told that I am the best advocate for my child. Am I really? I know that I am supposed to know what is best for my child but I am not a professional either. I don't know everything. Who does anyway!?!

There are so many stories out there that are just horrifying. School's not providing services that they should, parents being told that there child is not on the spectrum, and children bouncing from school to school. How can a school tell you your kid is not on the spectrum? Especially after being diagnosed by a doctor. Talk about toying with a parents emotions. Sure we all want to hear that our kids are normal and are not autistic, but I seriously do believe a school has no place making that determination or that decision.

How does a school get away with the things that they do?! I hope I am able to fight these battles and do the right thing for my Jo Jo.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Looking forward to the future!

Today I actually got to blow dry my hair! wow been a wile since I have had the time to do it. I usually toss it up in a pony tail and throw my yoga pants on. It was the boost I needed though, got many compliments on how great my hair looked. Sometime's it's the little thing's that keep me going. It's just a little piece of encouragement!

My hubby and I took the kids to the park yesterday morning to get some fresh air and burn off some energy! Jo Jo's behavior at the park has improved so dramatically I couldn't believe it!!! His typical behavior at the park was to climb all over the jungle gym, he would climb up and down the steps, he loves the slide, but then he would end up running around with no purpose and he would have his head turned to the side. He even sometimes would run right into the fence because he does not pay attention to where he is going. He would become unfocused. Well he sure showed us at the park. Jo Jo played the entire time we were there. He stayed focused and continued to play the whole time. We didn't have any random running and wandering, he even had no problem leaving the park. He transitioned so well!!! He really impressed us!!! Jo Jo is still not showing any interest playing with other children but we will get there.

Starting next week we will be the busiest we have ever been. Every Monday we have our Developmental Specialist coming over to work with Jo Jo for 1 hour. Jo Jo has really started to like her, her name is Nicole. She is so nice, but yet she is so tough with him which I love. She doesn't let him get away with anything! She really show's tough love!

Every Tuesday we have our Sensory Processing play group which Jo Jo loves, he marches right into the classroom, and forgets that I'm even there. he really is so independent.

finally our ABA services will be starting this upcoming Wednesday! We have two session's scheduled for every Wednesday 8am - 11am and then 330pm - 630pm, and every Thursday we will have ABA from 1130am - 230pm. That's 9 hours a week of ABA! I am so looking forward to meet everyone and get started! I have such high hopes for Jo Jo and can't wait to see what improvement's and challenges he can achieve and overcome!!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Finally some good news!!!

I have been so stressed out since last week when I received a letter from our insurance company stating they have denied a claim for enhanced autism services from Early Intervention. I wanted to freak out and scream, I didn't understand why I would be getting this letter. We have a HMO and have never had any trouble with anything being covered. I was thinking Oh my god, there is going to be a huge bill coming, or services are going to end, I thought do I have to get a lawyer, is this even legal? It was Friday also so I thought to myself it's okay we will figure this out on Monday no need to freak out, we can always appeal this decision.

After thinking all weekend long about this letter I just wanted to Burn, I remembered that my service coordinator had told me we will never see a bill.

Well after visiting Early Intervention today for Jo Jo's Sensory Processing Group, I stopped at the billing office and presented the letter and after the very friendly billing lady looked up our case she looked at me with a smile and told me the that DPH has picked up the bill. WooHoo!!! That was a huge weight lifted off my shoulder's!!!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

ABA Intake

This morning was our ABA intake appointment. Laura from Beacon ABA Services was so nice and the appointment went very well and we called them just in time because they only have two open spot's available so I took it! We will be having our ABA evaluation on Monday morning so they can see what Jo Jo can and cannot do. They gave me some homework to do also. Not fun stuff either just paperwork.

So Starting next week we will have Emma from Beacon ABA services visiting us every Wednesday from 3:30 to 6:30 and every Thursday 11:30 to 2:30. I also learned that the ABA services will end when he turns 3 in February. There is so much information, so much to remember, and very little time to do it!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Switching Gears!

Today was our Transitional Conference with our service coordinator and the Early Childhood Coordinator from Rockland Public School's. It was mostly a informational session for both the school, early intervention and myself. I was not sure what to expect but I did not think that it would be such a long process. I had the idea he would have a simple evaluation and because he has a diagnosis he would be entered directly into there program. Wrong! LOL!

First thing's first, we have to give consent for early intervention, the school, the doctors, and myself to be able to all communicate about Jo Jo legally.

The next step which should start in Early December will be the evaluation process which entails the following: The school will send there professionals and therapists out to our house when Jo Jo has his ABA services so they can observe, they will also be joining us in our play groups, and other therapy sessions that we have so they can observe. In the mean time they will also schedule us for evaluations to be done in the school, and they will also invite Jo Jo into the preschool classrooms to see how he does with other children in the classroom setting.

The last step in the process will be in January, another meeting called a Eligibility Evaluation. We will then discuss what was observed, if he qualifies for the services the school has to offer. We will also talk about his strength's and weakness', and what essentially Jo Jo needs in order to succeed.

With that being said we still have a lot to do before Jo Jo can start school in February when he turns 3.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Service's & More!!!

At this moment Jo Jo has Early Intervention Services, he has a therapist visiting every Monday at home, and Every Tuesday we go to a sensory processing play group at the Early Intervention Center in Brockton.

Tomorrow is our Transitional Conference which I have been getting very excited for!!! At this meeting will be our Service Coordinator from Early Intervention and someone from the special education department from our public school's. The purpose of this visit is to start the transition from Early Intervention to Public School. From what I understand they will be evaluating him tomorrow to see what his needs are and to make sure they can accommodate to his needs at school.

When Jo Jo turns 3 in February Early Intervention ends and he will be starting school. All his therapy will be done at school, he may also still get some home services along with his schooling.

I am very excited about Jo Jo starting school, but I'm also sad cause he is my baby. I guess one of my own challenges is letting him go and treating him more like the big boy he is. I baby him way too much!!!

After our meeting tomorrow we are getting Flu Shot's!!! Jo Jo will be getting the shot, they said he can't get the mist because it could provoke an asthma attack. nope don't need that! Caylee will be getting the mist. She loves the doctors office!

We also got a phone call from Beacon ABA Services today and they will be visiting on Thursday to evaluate Jo Jo for more ABA services. Which means will will have more home therapy added to our schedule!!!

So far the only day off I have this week is Friday!!!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism is a spectrum disorder characterized by difficulties in three primary area: communication, social interaction and repetitive behavior. Early treatment can help your child make remarkable progress. The sooner you start the better since the early years are among the most important in a child's development. Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others. Autism is defined by a certain set of behaviors and is a "spectrum disorder" that affects individuals differently and to varying degrees. There is no known single cause of autism, but increased awareness and funding can help families.

Know the signs: Early identification can change lives
Autism is treatable. Children do not "outgrow" autism, but studies show that early diagnosis and intervention lead to significantly improved outcomes.

Here are some signs to look for in the children in your life:

*Lack of or delay in spoken language
*Repetitive use of language and/or motor mannerisms (hand-flapping, twirling objects)
*Little or no eye contact
*Lack of interest in peer relationships
*Lack of spontaneous or make-believe play
*Persistent fixation on parts of objects

Starting Line!

Joseph Michael Chavis better known as Jo Jo's is a very sweet soft spoken 2 1/2 year old toddler. He loves to play with his cars and trucks, he loves to count to twenty, he loves singing the alphabet, and he loves playing with his sister. He also enjoys running, going to the beach, and playing in the sandbox. Last week our Jo Jo was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, better defined as Autistic Disorder. I do have to say that I was not at all surprised. When we arrived at the Developmental Pediatrician's office for our parent conference with our doctor I already knew he was going to be diagnosed with Autism. When we sat down and talked about Jo Jo's I just said okay when she told me he has Autism. The doctor looked at me and said are you okay? I said I'm fine I was expecting it. Our doctor was very optimistic and reassured us that with all the therapy and services out there Jo Jo will be okay. His therapy will be intensive and structured. Any lapse in therapy can cause him to regress so I have to be on my A Game! The doctor suggest's 20 hours a week of home therapy. This should be interesting!