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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Jo Jo is Potty Trained!!!

Potty training Jo Jo has been one of the biggest challenges we have been facing lately. So I had started reading more about potty training a child with autism. I got a lot of tips from one of my favorite blogs and Facebook page's that I follow regularly Autism Daddy. I loved his post about potty training.

After taking some advice from autism daddy, I also have noticed lately that Jo Jo keep's watching videos of himself on his iPad and mimicking himself. So the other day when he was on the potty I decided to record him on the potty. So on Wednesday he started watching the video and by Thursday morning he was telling me Elmo potty. He has never done that before so I took it as a hint that he needed the potty. Since that moment he has been putting himself on the potty and he has been diaper free all day except at bedtime. We even went to speech and grocery shopping with no accidents and he had no problem using the potty at speech and at the store. He has even learned to pull his own underwear down! Sounds funny but he never messes with his clothes. At the most he will put his own shoes on but that's it.

When we went to speech yesterday I told his speech therapist about how fast he all of sudden understand's what he needs to do on the potty, including him watching the video. She thinks it is amazing but she also told me that it is most likely Jo Jo is very much a visual learner, especially when it is video. She suggested that i try to capture as much video as I can of Jo Jo playing with Caylee, and as much normal behavior that I can. She said when he watches the video's he will mimic the behavior and learn faster from it! Here's to many home movies!!!

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