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Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Tantrum Life

ABA Services has kicked off to a interesting and exhausting start. We started last week on Wednesday and so far I am loving the help we are getting. Marissa and Emmy Lou are so nice!!! Jo Jo is warming up fast and enjoys his time with them. It has been a challenge since we are not used to so many hours of service. For the first couple of week's it will be mostly fun and play time as they collect data to put together the correct programs for Jo Jo. The first week went very well.

This week on the other hand Jo Jo has done a complete 360 in the tantrum department. His typical tantrum usually consists of him throwing himself backwards and falling and he would cry for a minute and it would be over if left alone, usually if you would interfere with him he would tantrum longer. It's best to just let it run it's course as long as there were no safety concerns.

I have noticed in the last few weeks his tantrums have started lasting longer, he would sometimes try to get my attention, or he even get's more physical and will throw a toy or kick me if I was standing near him. I didn't think to much of it other than he is 2 1/2 they have tantrums, we will get through it.

After yesterday I realized I was wrong. Marissa was over for her scheduled time of 8 to 11. Jo Jo seemed himself that morning and he was happy to see Marissa and both kids were playing and having fun. Jo Jo was working on a alphabet puzzle. Just so everyone know's Jo Jo is obsessive with letter's and they all must go in order from A to Z. Anyway he was putting the letter's in order and Caylee tried to help and placed a letter in the puzzle but it was out of order. That's all it took. Jo Jo had the most explosive tantrum I have ever seen!!!

The tantrum lasted a good 15 to 20 minutes. He tossed the puzzle, he tossed himself backwards and hit his head. He got up and started running all over the living room crying and screaming and just tossing him self around. If there was anything in his way it frustrated him. He would kick it or throw it. At this point I was very concerned and I stepped in to try and console him which only enraged him more. He hit me in the face with both hands and arched back and kicked me. I knew at this point he was at his worst that I have ever seen. I got up to get his sippy cup and Marissa followed Jo Jo around to make sure he didn't hurt himself. Finally he calmed down when he got his cup and I snuggled him until he wanted to go play again. He continued to be easily irritated from the rest of the session.

We had a 4 hour break before the next ABA session which would start at 3:30 so we went out to do some Christmas shopping. Jo Jo is always so goof in store's. He sits in the wagon and doesn't say boo! It's like he is in a calm state of mind. We picked up lunch and headed home.

At 3:30 when Emmy Lou arrived I informed her immediately about our eventful morning with Marissa and she seemed extremely concerned. As we talked about addressing his tantrum issues and how to handle them and work on eliminating them and redirecting him, Emmy Lou told me she was going to have to provoke a tantrum. She had to see what was actually going on in order to come to a solution.

After our long morning it wasn't hard to provoke a tantrum. We started with a number puzzle and he was placing all the number's in order and Emmy tried hiding one of the number's from him so he couldn't put them in order and that was it the fuse was lit! Except this time the tantrum was in fact the worst and longest yet!!! It went on for a solid 30 minute's. He was hitting his head, throwing himself, throwing toys, crying and so on. The tantrum didn't end until he exhausted himself and he had nothing left. WOW!!! I was speechless!!! Emmy Lou expressed deep concern for Jo Jo's safety and she did tell me she was going to have to contact her supervisor and just let her know what was going on. She also told me they had some questionnaire's for me to fill out based on his behavior so we could find the underlying cause of these tantrums. for example if they were attention seeking, trying to escape from doing something, or a sensory issue. This would ultimately be the decision maker for the plan for treating and teaching other ways for him to react to situation's.

We ended the session with some fun play to keep him happy and it wasn't long before he was out like a light and he slept 13 hours last night!!!

Today's session was amazing!!! Not one tantrum today!!! Jo Jo was in good spirit's all day. Emmy Lou's Supervisor Michelle did come out to the house today to talk to us about Jo Jo's behavior and help explain what they do to find out why this is happening and how we can work on it. We also completed our questionnaires to find out a possible reason why he is doing this. Majority of the time the tantrums start it because he is not getting what he wants. It is less likely attention seeking, and more so because he may not want to do something we or he is doing. and least likely a sensory issue which is a huge relief!!! If it was due to a sensory issue it is much harder to work on and correct. It would also mean that he like's hitting his head. Thankfully that is not the case.

Well I am one exhausted Mama!!!

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